Marine Collagen: The Secret to Anti-Ageing

If you've heard the buzz around marine collagen, you might be curious to get to the truth about its effects on reversing the signs of ageing. According to science, this might just be the secret to anti-ageing.

Human studies have shown that marine collagen can indeed bring back your youthful skin - reducing wrinkles, improving elasticity and revitalising skin texture and overall appearance. This powerful little protein is capable of topping up our collagen levels which diminish as we get older.

There are plenty of skincare options on the market including this wonderful ingredient, but you can also take marine collagen supplements which are thought to have a more profound effect than topical creams on your skin condition.

Wound-healing, anti-ageing and improvement of skin elasticity are just some of the benefits being touted about taking marine collagen supplements. Let's dig in to find out more.

What is Marine Collagen?

Marine collagen is sustainably derived from fish skin and other sea life as a byproduct, taken from marine life processed in the fishing industry. It's thought to be better for the body than bovine collagen - where most collagen products come from - since it is more easily absorbed.

Marine collagen differs in its benefits; as well as improving skin and joint health, it's been shown to help with bone tissue regeneration and offers UV protection. Collagen is the key to skin smoothness and taking supplements is known to have health benefits.

How Does Collagen Improve Skin Health?

Collagen is the vital ingredient that keeps our skin smooth, firm and strong. It's the building block that gives our connective tissues flexibility and protection. Unfortunately, as early as our mid-20s, our body's collagen production slows down, which is why we see the signs of skin ageing.

Without new collagen, our skin cannot renew itself as quickly and old skin hangs around for longer than we'd like. This is how we develop wrinkles and roughness because old skin cannot retain moisture as well as new skin.

Many women feel their youthful appearance slipping away, particularly around the time they hit menopause, and it's here where they lose up to 30% of their collagen production within 5 years. Telltale signs can be weak nails, joint pain and hair loss, as well as aged skin.

Benefits of Taking Marine Collagen Peptides

Marine collagen has been shown to slow the visible signs of ageing, helping you to maintain youthful-looking skin. Supplements boost your body's collagen levels which helps to improve skin elasticity, skin suppleness, texture and elasticity.

The results aren't just aesthetic; if you have undergone an operation, invasive aesthetic treatment or surgery, marine collagen can speed up the recovery and strength of bone and connective tissue. They also have a profound anti-inflammatory effect.

Collagen contains high levels of amino acids which are the building blocks of skin health and strong connective tissue.

Other benefits of taking marine collagen supplements include;

  • Glowing skin

  • Healthy hair and healthy nails

  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Boosted skin hydration

Choosing the Right Collagen Supplement

Look for ethically sourced marine collagen supplements which contain other vital nutrients - these can help to encourage natural collagen production. You should also buy from a reputable retailer to ensure the products are tried and tested.

Be sure to check the ingredients list on your supplements to ensure there are no 'filler' ingredients and that you're getting a high dose of marine collagen.

How to Take Marine Collagen Supplements

Marine collagen is available in a variety of forms including powders, capsules and liquids, it's also used in foods and skin care. Most people prefer the convenience of a collagen supplement they can take with food.

Follow the instructions from your supplier - we advise taking two capsules of our premium quality marine collagen with food for optimal results. You can also mix the capsules with smoothies or juices.


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