Supplements and Cosmetic Surgery: Why Supplements Are Essential for a Healthy Recovery.

Recovering from surgery can be a challenging experience. It requires a lot of patience, rest, and proper nutrition to get your body back to its optimum state. One way to help speed this up as well as optimise your overall health is the regular use of great quality supplements.

Why are they the perfect cosmetic magic trick? Here are 5 reasons to stock your cupboard before surgery day.

1. Supplements can help reduce inflammation.

After surgery or any form of injury, your body naturally produces inflammation as part of the healing process; often bringing with it a great deal of discomfort and pain. While this discomfort isn’t permanent, often the discomfort can get in the way of your day to day.

This is where supplements such ARTIS’ Recovery Complex can help drastically. Vitamin E (one of our key & favourite ingredients) works in force to accelerate your systems natural healing processes while assisting in reducing inflammation. Calming the skin and moisturising from the inside out, Vitamin E enhances the bodies natural processes, allowing the ‘inflamed’ stage to go by far faster.

2 .They support your immune system.

When it comes to an injury, the immune system suffers. As your bodies powerhouse, it plays a crucial role in effective recovery. Invasive procedures such as a breast augmentations or tummy tucks send your body into warrior mode; fighting off infections, healing and protecting you.

Supplements such as our Photo-Immune Complex are perfect for overall health maintenance, but essential when it comes to post-surgery and supporting this process. Vitamin D is a key ingredient to these magical capsules; studies have shown Vitamin D to regulate the function of immune cells, reduce inflammation and assist in maintaining your mental & physical health during periods of recovery.

3. Reduction in stress and anxiety

Despite the fact you know surgery is going to happen, your body does not. Seeing the event as traumatic can cause an increase in the stress hormone cortisol; increasing anxiety & locking your body in the ‘fight or flight’ zone. Of course, this will hinder the healing process. While it is vital that you seek guidance for any mental health concerns, supplements have been shown to have a drastic effect on a variety of symptoms.

Our Nootropic Complex focusing on the wellbeing of the mind; ingredients that have tried and tested results in the world of mental health.

L-theanine, Acetyl L Tyrosine, L-Taurine & Acetyl-L-
carnitine all work together to calm the bodies stress responses. L-Taurine, specifically has been shown to
modulate the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA,
which is known to have calming effects on the nervous system.

4 . They can improve mental clarity and focus.

In the same vein as above, it's common to experience brain fog and difficulty concentrating. The ‘Recovery Set’ combines both the Nootropic Complex and the Recovery Complex helps to tackle this. Certain supplements, like caffeine and Guarana Extract, can help improve mental clarity and focus, allowing you to be more productive while also supporting recovery.

5 . They can provide essential nutrients that may be lacking in your diet.

After surgery or an injury, your body may require more nutrients than usual to heal properly. However, it can be challenging to get all of these nutrients from food alone. Supplements can provide essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that may be lacking in your diet.

Moreover, assisting your diet with supplements can also improve nutrient absorption; essential for your daily life but also vital when it comes to recovery. Guarana Extract (found in our Nootropic Complex) enhances the absorption of dietary fats by increasing metabolic rate and lipolysis (fat breakdown). In addition, phospholipid is essential for maintaining cell membrane integrity and function. It can help support nutrient absorption by promoting healthy cell function, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract.

Recovery from breast augmentation? Why not try our Ultimate Breast Surgery Set?


